
Forecasting Glucose Levels for Type II and Pre-diabetics using Machine Learning

Project Description: Living with Type II Diabetes and prediabetes means constant vigilance over blood glucose levels. This project harnesses the power of machine learning to develop a groundbreaking forecasting tool empowering patients and improving outcomes. Our model aims to: Predicting the Future: Provides accurate forecasts of blood glucose levels, giving individuals the insights they need to proactively adjust diet, exercise, and medications. Personalized Medicine: The model learns from...

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Using Machine Learning to Predict Dementia

Project Description: Dementia is a progressive impairment characterised by declining cognitive functions starting with minor memory problems but leading to deteriorating memory, orientation, language, and learning processes. In Aotearoa New Zealand, the estimated prevalence of dementia in 2020 was 1.4%, but in 2050, the number of people with dementia is expected to double. Since there is very little epidemiological information in New Zealand, routinely collected data could be a source of...

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