
Our Voices

Project Description:In a world of rapid change, the Our Voice longitudinal project charts the journeys of over 6,000 Kiwi children, beginning before birth and spanning into adulthood. Its comprehensive dataset delves into diverse domains like family and whānau dynamics, education, psychological health, socioeconomics, cultural identity, and the child's environment. The aim of this project is to use machine learning to tackle pressing questions: Emotion Recognition: Machine learning models decode the nuances of children's emotional expression, enabling tailored interventions to foster mental wellbeing. Bias Detection: Algorithms unravel hidden biases within systems and interactions,...

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Large Language Models as Assistants for Emergency Response

Project Description: In the chaotic environment of an emergency, every second is precious. First responders need rapid access to accurate information to make life-saving decisions. This project transforms crisis response by deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) as intelligent information assistants, characterized by: Intuitive Interaction: Emergency personnel don't need specialized coding knowledge. They ask questions in natural language, removing barriers during time-critical situations. Intelligent Translation: The LLM seamlessly translates those queries into code executable against real-time geospatial data, extracting the insights needed. Actionable Insights: Responders receive continuously updated, tailored information, empowering them to assess the situation and optimize their efforts. Keywords: Large Language Models, Emergency Response, Real-time Information

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Digital Companion Agent for Youth Mental Health

Project Description: There are many online tools that can improve resilience and help with common conditions such as mild-to-moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Such digital tools, can apply evidence-based techniques, such as Cogntive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT). And, unlike a human counsellor, they can be available anytime of day or night, and can be used by young people who may be reluctant about the stigma of seeing a mental health professional. While such tools can be effective,...

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Wearable Sensing for In-the-moment Anxiety Interventions

Project Description: What if your fitness bracelet could immediately sense your anxiety, and then signal your phone with a reminder that NOW is a good time to apply a relaxation technique that you've learned earlier? We are working with the Tackling Anxiety through Innovation (TAI) initiative at the National Institute for Health Innovation (NIHI) to help with ubiquitous detection of spikes in stress/anxiety. And we want to achieve this with low-cost and comfortable devices. A key challenge is...

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