Project Description:
In a world of rapid change, the Our Voice longitudinal project charts the journeys of over 6,000 Kiwi children, beginning before birth and spanning into adulthood. Its comprehensive dataset delves into diverse domains like family and whānau dynamics, education, psychological health, socioeconomics, cultural identity, and the child’s environment. The aim of this project is to use machine learning to tackle pressing questions:
- Emotion Recognition: Machine learning models decode the nuances of children’s emotional expression, enabling tailored interventions to foster mental wellbeing.
- Bias Detection: Algorithms unravel hidden biases within systems and interactions, promoting equity and ensuring every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.
- Child Health and Wellbeing: Patterns within the data reveal key predictors of physical and mental health across childhood, shaping proactive health policies and targeted support.
- Culture and Identity: Exploring the diverse experiences that shape young New Zealanders’ identities, fostering a nation that celebrates belonging and inclusivity.
This is part of the Our Voice project.
Keywords: Longitudinal Study, Child Development, Health and Wellbeing